• One of the greatest scorers in Carolina basketball history was so blind he couldn’t even see the basket.
• George Barclay, UNC’s first football All-America, once received a brand new suit for scoring a touchdown.
• No uniforms? No problem. Dean Smith just had the “B.V.D. Boys” practice in their underwear.
• It sounds impossible but UNC’s Yael Averbuch did it: She scored a goal four seconds into a soccer match.
• Roy Williams used to help the Heels win by eating candy.
These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Michael Jordan, Ivory Latta, Phil Ford, “Choo Choo” Justice, Amos Lawrence, and many others. Their stories – along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events – are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story.
Have fun! Have faith!
Go Heels! Go God!