• Two State players once got into an argument so vehement that a halfback from the other team told them to shut up.
• The hero in a gridiron defeat of an undefeated Ohio State team wasn’t even listed in the game program.
• Some Spartans took time out from their Rose-Bowl preparations to save a few lives.
• Tom Izzo once practiced his team in football pads.
• A notorious gang of hoodlums showed up at an MSU game; were they there to steal the gate receipts?
These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Magic Johnson, Connor Cook, Mark Dantonio, Tori Jankoska, Jud Heathcote, Duffy Daugherty, Draymond Green, Kirk Gibson, and many others. Their stories — along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events — are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story.
Have fun! Have faith! Go Green! Go White! Go God!